Adam Darlington
Credentials: PhD Student – Neuroscience Training Program

Adam obtained his Bachelor of Science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in Genetics and Genomics. Thereafter he joined the Neuroscience Training Program and subsequently the Hoon Lab at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Favorite retinal cell: type-6 ON Bipolar Cell- the intricate, spindly axonal processes are quite mesmerizing to look at
Thoughts on the retina: If you were to ask someone which sense they would be least willing to lose, most would say “sight.” Vision plays such a critical role in our daily lives, and I believe the retina, one of the most intricately organized structures in the nervous system, holds much to learn about how we view the world. By advancing our understanding of the retina, we can make strides toward making vision loss a thing of the past.
Hobbies: disc golf, watching F1 racing, and walking his dog, Rocky.